/*    /verbs/items/press.c
 *    from the Nightmare V Object Library
 *    press OBJ
 *    press STR on OBJ
 *    created by Descartes of Borg 960114

#include <lib.h>
#include "include/press.h"

inherit LIB_VERB;

static void create() {
    SetRules("OBJ", "STR on OBJ");
    SetSynonyms("push", "poke", "prod");
    SetErrorMessage("Press what? Or press what on what?");
    SetHelp("Syntax: <press OBJECT>\n"
	    "        <press THING on OBJECT>\n\n"
	    "Allows you to press an object, or perhaps a thing on the "
	    "object.  For example, you might want to "
	    "\"press the button on the wall\", or simply \"press button\".\n\n"
	    "Synonyms: poke, prod, push");

mixed can_press_obj(object ob) { return 1; }

mixed can_press_str_on_obj(object ob) { return 1; }

mixed do_press_obj(object ob, string obid) {
    return do_press_str_on_obj(obid, ob, 0, 0);

mixed do_press_str_on_obj(string str, object ob, string str_again,
  string obid) {
    if( obid ) obid = remove_article(lower_case(obid));
    return (mixed)ob->eventPress(this_player(),
				 remove_article(lower_case(str)), obid);