Mimer introduction ------------------ Mimer is a tool for converting attachments into URLs. Just forward an email with attachments to mimer, and you get an URL mailed back to you where the attachments are saved. Useful for people that use a console mail program (pine, mutt, etc) or for distributing (funny) attachments on mailinglists, without having to send everyone a big attachment. Multiple attachments per email are supported. Mimer depends on several Perl Modules, mod_perl and requires an MTA and webserver. How to install mimer? --------------------- This version does not come with a fancy installer. Files needed: /usr/local/bin/mimer.pl -- the actual mimer script /usr/local/etc/mimer.conf -- configuration for mimer {mimer-webroot}/.htaccess -- to control apache {mimer-webroot}/index.mpl -- very simple admin interface (needs work!) {mimer-webroot}/readme.html -- default disclaimer under every page Steps: (prerequisites: Perl, MTA (tested on Exim), apache + mod_perl (i use .mpl extension for mod_perl, replace with .pl if needed), MIME::Parser, Mailer::Sendmail 1) -Copy mimer.pl and mimer.conf to their locations (/usr/local/bin) -Create a directory somewhere in your webroot, writable for the user that pipes run under from your MTA. (usually user mail, but can be configured to something else. E.g. /var/www/mimer/ -Copy .htaccess, readme.html and index.mpl to the mimer-webroot. -Make sure that mimer.pl and index.mpl are +x (executable) 2) Configure mimer by editting mimer.conf. The options should be self-explainatory ;) 3) Add an email alias for mimer, point it to mimer.pl e.g. in /etc/aliases: mimer: "| /usr/local/bin/mimer" 4) With some luck, you have a working mimer now! Test it by sending an email with attachment to mimer@yourhostname Misc. ----- Mimer is Copyright by me (Casper Joost Eyckelhof) The actual license is undecided yet. (Probably something Artistic-like :) All disclaimers apply, I am not responsible for any damage whatsoever. Use at your own risk. Bugreports can be sent to mimer-bugs@joost.student.utwente.nl