JDP : Kernel24

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This is an old revision of Kernel24 from 2004-05-23 15:52:36.
When compiling a Javastation kernel with netbooting capabilities, one should take care of the following things:

Please take a look at the KernelStatus page.

kernel options


instead of building a bzImage (which is typically for i386 kernels), we are going to build a vmlinux:

# make dep # make clean # make vmlinux # make modules # make modules_install

do not forget to convert the image to a.out format, if you are going to netboot:

# elftoaout -o /tfpboot/krups-kernel-nfsroot-2.4.20 /export/magnesium/usr/src/linux-2.4.20/vmlinux

host system

Building the first Javastation kernel is a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem; you have to boot a Javastation to build a kernel on the Javatstation, to boot a Javastation etc....
Therefore, it's very easy to have a Sun-4/linux box around as a compile host.
When you've made a filesysem (NFSRoot), you can chroot in it:

# chroot /export/magnesium #

In this chroot-ed environment, you can build the kernel to boot the Javastation. It is of course also possible to download a precompiled kernel. See our files section
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