JDP : DavidCohen

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This is an old revision of DavidCohen from 2003-09-15 11:45:02.
Hey, folks ;-)

I'm Dave Cohen, and I don't use Debian ;-P

I'm currently attempting to get a 2.6.0-test4-bk9 kernel up and running on a JavaStation-10 (Krups). I'm still wrestling with problems remapping memory at startup with igafb, and with funky startup screens with BanVanSisseren?'s vgacon patch. The only way I've found to boot the 'station is with the PROM console ... which I wouldn't advise using. (If you don't believe me, try it. You'll regret it.) It may also be possible to boot it using a serial console, but I didn't buy a JavaStation with a keyboard that's actually typist-friendly and a high-powered framebuffer just to work off of some dumb terminal!

I've got some out-of-date notes at http://www.bigfatdave.com/dave/krups/krups_notes.txt. The base of the project is at http://www.bigfatdave.com/dave/krups/. The full root filesystem is there, as well as the kernel, etc. (The kernel is built in the /usr/src/linux directory (/dave/krups/tftproot/dave7.root/usr/src/linux/) within the root filesystem (/dave/krups/tftproot/dave7.root/), even though I build it using a 3.3.1/2.14 cross-compiler.) Note that the notes are no longer being updated since I joined this project except to correct errors.
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