JDP : DavidCohen

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This is an old revision of DavidCohen from 2003-08-29 23:30:28.
I'm Dave Cohen. I'm currently attempting to get a 2.6.0-test4 kernel up and running on a JavaStation-10 (Krups). I'm still wrestling with problems remapping memory at startup :-(

I've got some out-of-date notes at http://www.bigfatdave.com/dave/krups/krups_notes.txt. (If you're actually using my notes, let me know, and I'll update 'em; it's no biggie, but I see no reason to do so unless it helps somebody.) The base of the project is at http://www.bigfatdave.com/dave/krups/. The full root filesystem is there, as well as the kernel, etc. (The kernel is built in the /usr/src/linux directory within the root filesystem, even though I build it using a cross-compiler.)
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