JDP : Crosscompiler

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This is an old revision of Crosscompiler from 2003-05-15 15:33:02.

Building a crosscompiler for sparc32 using a Debian/Linux box

first, get the toolchain package
apt-get install toolchain-source/testing fakeroot automake1.4/testing

NOTE: the toolchain-source of Debian/Woody is broken, so that's why we use the unstable toolchain-source.

then, configure the toolchain
cd /usr/src EMAIL="someone@somedomain.com" tpkg-make sparc-linux

NOTE: you have to have a valid gpg secret key, because the debian package requires gpg signing. Looking up your gpg key involves the GECOS field in your /etc/passwd entry, so make sure your GECOS matches your key.

next, create binutils
cd binutils-sparc-linux-''version'' debuild debi

next, we'll need libc
su -c "TPKG_SERVER=ftp.nl.debian.org tpkg-install-libc sparc-linux"

by default, tpkg-install-libc will use the british debian server.

install binutils-sparc
su -c "dpkg -i ../binutils-sparc-linux-''version''.deb"

then we make gcc
cd ../gcc-sparc-linux-''version'' debuild debi

finally, we install gcc
su -c "dpkg -i ../gcc-sparc-linux-''version''.deb

NOTE: Something seems to be broken building GCC. Work is in progress to fix this.
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